This is a brief course to identify whether you are ready to take the exam cram or whether you need a full course in CISSP. if you cannot pass these tests, you will not pass the real exam. You cannot study these questions and think that you are prepared for the exam. It is just a measure of where you are at this moment yes or no.


You must pass the per domain glossary quiz with a 95% before the more difficult exam will unlock. This is to encourage you to get your glossary converted to notecards before you try to do the application or analysis exam level questions. Do not study the answer use this as a measure of your preparedness for the exam. When you find a failure in your understanding go back and study, builder cards, learn. On a per domain base you should get and 80% on your first attempt, and 85% on your second attempt,And a 95% on your third attempt. If you do not hit that mark, go back and study again building more notecards, do more reading, threaten controls, case studies.